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What Is A High Creatinine Level In A Child And How It Can Be Treated?

Your kidneys are a couple of organs that are present inside your body. Your kidneys perform many essential functions for your body like they remove waste materials and excess fluids from your blood. They also help your body in promoting bone and muscle strength.

Kidney disease is the condition of your kidneys when they are not able to perform their functions. Kidney disease can attack any individual's kidney irrespective of their caste, sex, and age. Even some children are also suffering from kidney disease. Kidney disease can affect children in many ways, some of the diseases are easily treatable and some are so dangerous that it can prove to life-threatening for that child. 

Creatinine is a condition of your body when there is a presence of an abnormal amount of protein in your blood. The presence of protein in your blood is normal but when there is extra leakage of protein in your kidneys indicates towards this condition. Creatinine is a type of chronic kidney disease that can damage your health. Children with kidney disease may face many problems; some of the major problems are as follows:

• Change in behavior
• Weak learning ability
• Problem faced in concentrating things
• Delayed in development of language skill
• Delayed in motor development skills
• Participating in school and extracurricular activities makes more difficult

Normal creatinine level varies from age groups and sex. 0.9 to 1.3 mg/dl is normal range for adult males, o.6 – 1.1 mg/dl for adult females, 0.5-1.0 mg/dl and 0.3 – 0.7 is for children under age 3. This is the normal range of creatinine level and above this level can be dangerous for your kidneys. If your kid’s creatinine level increases then it can be a dangerous sign for him, therefore creatinine treatment for kids can help you to lower down your child’s creatinine level.

What causes kidney disease in children?

There are many reasons for having kidney disease; some of the causes are as follows:

• Kidney disease by birth
• Hereditary diseases
• Severe infection
• Nephrotic syndrome is a genetic disorder
• Systemic diseases
• Severe traumas such as burns, bleeding or surgery
• Problem in urine like blockage or reflux

Birth defects and hereditary disease are the leading causes of kidney failure for the children below the age of 4. After the age of 15, a disease that affects the filtration units of kidneys is the leading cause of kidney failure.

Symptoms of the presence of creatinine level

Your child may need to go for creatinine level test if he/she has the following symptoms:

• Frequent tiredness or laziness
• Swelling in your feet or ankles
• Poor appetite or not feeling hungry
• Puffiness around your eyes
• Dry and itchy skin
• Muscle cramps
• Frequent urination especially in the night
• Painful urination
• Blood or protein in your urine

These symptoms are indicates the abnormal amount of protein in your urine irrespective of your age group. After these symptoms are visible, your first step is to take your child to your doctor and consult about your child’s condition.

Kidney disease treatment for children

Treatment for kidney disease in children depends on the causes of kidney disease. For the treatment of your child, you have to reach a pediatric nephrologist who is a specialized doctor for kidney disease in children. Allopathic doctors may advise you to give high blood pressure medicines to your child to lower down your child’s blood pressure but once your child has taken blood pressure medications then he/she may have to eat those medicines for long.

For the treatment of kidney disease, your children may need urgent treatment for anemia and growth failure. Children with growth failure may need to make dietary changes or have to take Ayurvedic treatment for the growth of your children.

Ayurveda is one of the best ways to treat any disease and is capable to heal you from the root causes of chronic disease. Karma Ayurveda is a leading health care center that provides effective creatinine treatment for kids that can control the level of creatinine level in your kids without side-effects.

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