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Atrophic Kidney – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, & Diet!

Kidneys are those important organs in your body that carry the responsibility to keep your overall body healthy or fit. Kidneys filter wastes and unnecessary substances from your blood through the urine. But, due to some illnesses or circumstances when kidneys cannot function that might cause lots of health problems. This is the reason why it is very vital to take care of your kidneys and consult your doctors to know how well your kidneys are functioning.

What is atrophic kidney?

Healthy kidneys are the size of a fist, but an atrophic kidney is shrunk to an abnormal size due to which the kidney lost its ability to function well. An atrophic kidney is also named as renal atrophy. But, sometime people may confuse it with renal hypoplasia. Renal hypoplasia is a condition due to which the size of the kidney is smaller from development in the womb and at the time of birth.

You have two kidneys; both are situated on each side of the lower spine, under the rib cage. But, the left kidney is a little bigger than the right and the left kidney also located slightly higher and closer to the heart in comparison to the right kidney. Atrophy is a condition that affects both of your kidneys, but it might be more probably to happen to the left kidney. Lots of people are not aware of atrophy kidney due to which they do not take proper treatment that put them in the condition of kidney failure. In case, if you have kidney problems, then without delaying consult a best Ayurvedic doctor for kidney

What are the signs and symptoms of atrophy kidney? 

Your kidneys sift waste products from your bloodstream to excrete them from your body in the form of urine. Along with this, kidneys also play important roles in the regulation of blood pressure, and the production of red blood cells. 

Mostly, in the beginning, stage of atrophy kidney, you may not observe any negative changes in your body. The symptoms or signs of kidney problem occurs when 30 to 40 percent your kidney stops working. When the kidneys become less able to sift the blood, you might observe following of the symptoms in your body. 

• Changes in the frequency of urination
• Darkening skin
• Drowsiness
• Itchiness
• Loss of appetite
• Muscle cramps
• Nausea and vomiting
• Swelling of the hands and feet

Other symptoms of the atrophic kidney are:

• Acidosis
• Anorexia
• High creatinine level
• Electrolyte abnormalities
• Malnutrition

Having one or more of the above-mentioned symptoms indicate that you need the best Ayurvedic doctor for a kidney. But, your specific symptoms might depend on your sort of kidney damage or disease. 

What causes atrophy kidney?

Kidney damage happens suddenly due to some injury or exposé to toxins. That is how atrophic kidney also happens due to or correlated with another medical condition. 

Following are the causes of atrophy kidney. 

• Antiphospholipid syndrome
• Infection, such as tuberculosis
• Metabolic syndrome
• Narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis)
• Narrowing of the renal arteries (atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis)
• Obstruction of the urinary tract
• Sickle cell disease
• Cancer

Following are the other primary and common health problems or conditions that caused most all sort of kidney disease or disorder. 

• Elevated diabetes level
• Heart disease
• High blood pressure (hypertension)
• A family history of kidney-related problems 

On the off chance, that you are going through the problem of atrophy kidney or other kidney illness then consult a healthcare provider for Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment. 

How atrophy kidney is treated?

Treatment for your atrophy kidney is depending on its causes. By consulting the best Ayurvedic doctor for kidney help prevent further damage to your kidney.

In Allopathic medical science, there are two types of treatment – the first is dialysis that accompanies or supports your atrophy kidney by eliminating the accumulated wastes from your body. And, the second one is renal replacement therapy due to which the doctors replace your diseased kidney from a new one. But, both of the Allopathic treatments do not offer you a long-lasting solution for your sort of kidney disease. 

Ayurvedic kidney treatment is an alternative to Allopathic treatment that not only completely prevents the disease by terminating its root causes and symptoms. But also rejuvenate the damaged filters, cells, and tissues of your diseased kidney. Along with this, there are no noxious effects of taking Ayurvedic medications because they are made up of herbs and natural ingredients. 

Special diet for atrophy kidney:

Atrophic kidney can’t be completely revived or cured by taking a renal diet plan. But, diet only plays an essential role in the treatment for your sort of kidney illnesses, whether it is atrophy kidney. Following are a few kidney-healthy dietary tips.

Cut down on sodium

It is vital to control your increased blood pressure. Here are some pointers for reducing sodium:

• Choose fresh foods rather than packed, processed or canned foods that are high sources of salt. 
• When shopping for food, must check labels to know about sodium content.
• Prefer to eat home-cooked food, instead of restaurants and fast foods.
• When preparing food, try to replace salt with other seasonings that are much tasty or better than it. 

Pay attention to protein

Protein is an essential nutrient to keep your body healthy or strong. But, increased consumption of protein can create problems for your atrophy kidneys. It is vital to consult the best Ayurvedic doctor for kidney and diet plan. If you have a kidney illness, then avoid eating the following things. 

• Chicken
• Dairy
• Eggs
• Fish
• Meat

Take care of your heart

Heart-healthy foods are vital for you because they help keep fat from accumulating in your heart, blood vessels, and kidneys. Follow the following guidelines for a more heart-healthy diet:

• Avoid eating deep-fried foods and baked, grilled, roasted, or stir-fried.
• Use olive oil to cook food, instead of butter.
• Limit saturated and Trans fats.
• Include fruits and vegetables in your diet plan
• Eat more beans
• Consume low-fat or fat-free yogurt, cheese, and milk

Can atrophy kidney be prevented?

An atrophic kidney can always be prevented by Ayurvedic treatment. The best Ayurvedic doctor for kidney, first, prevents those illnesses or circumstances that have the strength to damage your kidneys like high blood pressure and diabetes. If you have such an illness, work to sustain your kidney healthy by controlling them. 

By following the below-mentioned tips, you can save your kidneys from the detrimental diseases. 

Your diet should be wealthy in:

• Fruits and vegetables
• Whole grains
• Low-fat or fat-free dairy products

Limit the consumption of:

• Highly processed or fried foods
• Sodium
• Sugar
• Alcohol

Here are some other tips:

• Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.
• Sustain a healthy weight.
• Try to get proper sleep every night.
• Don’t smoke or consume tobacco products.
• Take the medication as given.
• Keep an eye on your cholesterol levels.

To get rid of atrophy kidney, you do need painful procedures like dialysis; Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment will prevent it and rejuvenate your kidney effectively.

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