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Understanding Blood Pressure Fluctuations During Dialysis

We all know that hypertension is directly related to kidney problems or that they are directly proportional to each other. High blood pressure causes many cardiovascular problems. It has been noticed that patients on dialysis meet the situation of both high and low blood pressure, but high BP stays longer. It is important to find an ideal blood pressure. There is no hard and fast rule for blood pressure management, as it depends on the health of the person. It has been noted that patients who take antihypertensive medications are hardly able to control blood pressure. Blood pressure and the dialysis process should be handled with care. A small carelessness can lead to many major consequences. The patient should measure blood pressure on a daily basis. 

What is blood pressure? 

Blood pressure is said to be the pressure of blood against the walls of our arteries. There are two numbers through which we can measure the blood pressure. One is when the heart is pumping the blood and beating. This is called systolic blood pressure. The second is measured when our heart is resting. This is called diastolic blood pressure. The measuring unit of blood pressure is millimeters of mercury i.e., mmHg. The measurement of normal blood pressure goes like 130/80 mmHg. The excess of fluid in the body results in high blood pressure. This extra fluid is removed from the body by the method of dialysis. But there are treatments available for removal of this extra fluid from the body, and protection of our kidneys through the process of dialysis. Ayurveda can be taken under consideration for kidney treatment without dialysis. The blood pressure during dialysis goes down as compared to the blood pressure before the dialysis process. 

Importance of blood pressure management during dialysis

When a person undergoes dialysis, getting high blood pressure is very common. This condition is also known as the problem of hypertension. High blood pressure is associated with many other health problems. The person may develop issues like heart valve disease, heart failure, heart attack, strokes. It also causes issues of low supply of blood to the legs. So, it becomes essential for the patient to maintain a good level of blood pressure so that he or she can withstand these problems. 

The patient may also face issues related to low blood pressure which is called hypotension. Blood pressure and the dialysis process are interconnected. Any up and down in the blood pressure can affect your dialysis treatment negatively. 

Blood pressure fluctuation during dialysis 

There can be either high blood pressure or low blood pressure in the name of blood pressure fluctuation. Specific reasons cause hypertension or hypotension during the dialysis process, such as an imbalance in body fluid.

When the fluid balance in our body goes up, it leads to high blood pressure. It also causes problems like edema, which is the swelling of ankles and legs. Sometimes this may cause problems while breathing as the fluid may go back to your lungs. 

In the same manner, during dialysis, if the fluid intake becomes high, it requires immediate removal. This procedure can bring down the pressure of your blood. Therefore, monitoring and reduction of fluid become important. 

Blood pressure fluctuation and dialysis can be dealt with even more naturally with the help of Ayurveda. 

Managing blood pressure

We need to maintain an ideal weight while undergoing dialysis and after dialysis. This ideal weight after dialysis is known as dry weight. It means the point where there is no extra fluid present in the body. One should always measure the blood pressure after dialysis to know if the weight has reached the ideal stage, or there is a need for further fluid removal. Here are some things you can do to manage your blood pressure. 

1. You should consume only the amount of fluid you are directed or allowed to. 
2. Bring down the amount of sodium. 
3. You should do the amount of exercise you are capable of. 
4. Maintain your blood glucose in case, you have diabetes. 
5. Take your prescribed medication. 

Never let go of your blood pressure problem as it can create some other issues for your body. If you have any issues like blood pressure because of kidney disease, then better are the Ayurvedic measures instead of dialysis. 

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