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Kidney Treatment in Ayurveda by Karma Ayurveda

What is kidney failure?

Kidney failure is a health condition that appears when the kidneys fail to channel waste out of the body in the form of the urine. Your kidneys are held accountable for sifting the harmful waste and toxic substances from the blood and removing them in the form of the urine. When the conditions that can raise the risk of kidney damage appear, the kidneys become less capable of carrying out such performative tasks and eventually fail. This results in the accumulation of waste along the lines of the bloodstream that reaches various body parts. 

If your kidney function drops 15 or less than normal, they are supposedly known to have failed. You may develop symptoms arising from the buildup of waste and fluid retention in the body. At the event of renal failure, the best treatment approach you can opt is Kidney Treatment in Ayurveda by Karma Ayurveda. 

What are the symptoms of kidney failure?

People are not able to notice the signs of kidney failure right away. Healthy kidneys work for our well-being. They maintain the right balance of salts and minerals in the blood, such as calcium, phosphorus, protein, sodium, and potassium. They also come up with hormones production, making bones strong and at times helps in the making of vitamin D in the body. 

But in the event of kidney failure, the kidneys are no longer able to work well; as a result following complications develop:

• Have swelling; usually in the legs, feet, or ankles
• May have anemia
• Get headaches
• Feel chills
• Feel itchy
• Feel tired throughout the day and sleep problems at night
• Feel sick to your stomach
• Lose sense of taste; poor appetite
• Lose weight
• Make little or no urine
• Have muscle cramps
• Feel weakness, or numbness
• Have pain in your joints because of fluid retention
• Feel confused or have memory problems
• Find it difficult to walk

Noticing the signs and following the treatment plan can help address most of the complications of kidney failure. The treatment at Karma Ayurveda includes a renal diet plan and Kidney Treatment in Ayurveda. Ayurveda is the best alternative to slow down the progression of CKD into the late stages of end-stage renal disease.

What complications appear with kidney failure?

Kidney disease can increase the risk of various health problems. Some of such well-being conditions are:

High blood pressure: The fluid retention in the cells and tissues can raise the blood pressure and further damages the kidneys. The diseased kidneys are, in return, not able to help control blood pressure. This cycle continues until Ayurvedic Treatment for a kidney is approached.
Heart disease: Kidney failure and heart failure have two main common causes: diabetes and high blood pressure. Those who have heart failure are at an undeniable risk of kidney failure, and people with kidney disease are at high risk of heart failure. 
Anemia: The less production of erythropoietin by the kidneys results in low production of red blood cells. Erythropoietin is a hormone that aids the body in producing RBCs. Such red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the unknown parts of the body. When you have anemia, the other parts get less oxygen and so may not function properly. 
Skin and bone disorder: Healthy kidneys work to maintain the balance of calcium and phosphorus in the body and help keep the bone healthy and strong. As the kidneys make fewer hormones, which is responsible for absorbing calcium from the blood, this low calcium can trigger the release of parathyroid hormone. Too much parathyroid hormone can make the skin itchy or dry. 
Malnutrition: In the late stages of kidney failure, you may not feel hungry; the taste bud may change, or the food may taste metallic. Infections and stress on the mind may make it hard for the body to use the food you consume. So, it is necessary to follow a renal diet plan that can offer the required nutrients your body needs. Doctor Puneet Dhawan’s diet plan has allowed many patients to recover from the late stages of CKD with Kidney Treatment in Ayurveda.

What is the Ayurvedic approach to cure kidney failure?

Ayurveda is about curing the disease of its roots. It is known to be one of the best approaches that can treat kidney problems naturally and permanently. Unlike dialysis or transplant, there are no side-effects you will ever hear of ayurvedic treatment. The fine use of herbs like Kaasni, Punarnava, Kaasni, and others help the patient to get rid of kidney failure.

Life in Ayurveda is believed to be an amalgamation of body, senses, mind, and soul. A human body is made up of three doshas, in Sanskrit which is known to be Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, seven essential tissues, and the waste products (mala, mutra, and sweda). Any deviation in the healthy nature of the components results in a diseased body. So, Ayurveda believes that to treat conditions, one must work on the root level by way of herbs in nature.

When you consume ayurvedic medications during Kidney Treatment in Ayurveda, which is herbal extracts, the channels of the kidneys are rejuvenated. This increases urine production and tends to eliminate the waste naturally out of the body. 

This is how Karma Ayurveda works. If you wish to know more, reach us! 

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