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Ayurvedic kidney treatment | Kidney treatment in Ayurveda – karma Ayurveda

The blood flows to the kidney, sensors within specialized kidney cells regulate how much water to excrete as urine, along with what concentration of electrolytes. The system is controlled by rennin, a hormone produced in the kidney that is part of the fluid and blood pressure regulation systems of the body. Ayurvedic kidney treatment is done for stopping any further damage to the kidneys.
There are many conditions which can be a reason for kidney damage. Some kidney diseases are primary and other indirectly affects the kidneys such as high blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes. Other common conditions include cancer or tumor, kidney stones, genetic disorder, physical injury to kidneys and family history of kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease, sepsis, and nephrotic syndrome may trigger the kidney failure among individuals. 

Symptoms and signs

  • Urine: Usually urine is a prime indicator of many things which are happening in the body. Its color, frequency and quantity can bring a lot of information. Since kidneys make urine, this is the prime indicator to determine the health of the kidneys
  • Some of the things that may point to a potential problem are foamy or bubbly urine, boost the frequency and quantity, dark colored urine, pale urine, blood in urine and difficulty while urinating
  • Swelling: Kidneys filter the blood and extra fluid is disposed off from the body through urine. If there is any major kidney problem, the fluid will start to accumulate in the body and that will lead to swelling in the ankles, feet, face and hands “Ayurvedic Kidney Treatment”
  • Dry skin or Itching: Kidneys remove waste from the bloodstream. In case the kidneys fail, the buildup of waste in the blood can cause severe itching
  •  Nausea and Vomiting: A severe buildup of toxins in the blood can also cause nausea and vomiting
  •  Loss of appetite can lead to weight loss or weight gain
  • Shortness of Breath: One may face trouble catching breath which can be due to 2 reasons. Firstly, it can cause extra fluid in the body which can accumulate in the lungs. Secondly, anemia can leave the body without oxygen

Ayurveda as a healthy cure for damaged kidneys

Ayurveda Medicine for Kidney Failure has been giving the entirely a different form of treatment than normal allopathic treatment. There is a certain use of herbs and techniques which is a common practice among Ayurveda physicians. “Ayurvedic kidney treatment” The common herbs that are used in the Tibullus, Punarnava, and Varun are recommended herbs for kidney failure and high levels of urea and creatinine. Tribulus-terrestris or Gokshur helps in urinary disorder, urinary stones, hypertension, and diabetes. It reduces high blood pressure and sodium and fluid retention.
Dr. Puneet Dhawan is the well experienced Ayurveda physician who has been practicing since a long time now. He runs Karma Ayurveda, an Ayurvedic kidney treatment centre for all types of kidney patients. They also provide customized diet chart to their patients along with the Ayurvedic medicines. They have successfully treated thousands of kidney patients from different parts of the world

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